Google Smart Contact Lens Coming Soon in 2019?
Earlier in 2014 search Giant Google announced that it is working on a new project and this new project is ain't anything about Mobiles, Laptops or any working platform.
Google has teamed up with Alcon eye care unit of Swiss Pharmaceutical company Norvatis to license the smart lens technology.
In the month of January, 2014, When Google Unveiled its prototype contact lens, Project Co-founders Brian Otis and Babak Parviz stated in a blog post that:
We're now testing a smart contact lens that's built to measure glucose levels in tears using a tiny wireless chips and miniaturized glucose sensor that are embedded between two layers of soft contact lens material. We're testing prototypes that can generate a reading once per second.Swiss Pharmaceutical company Norvatis CEO, Joseph Jimenez announced that:
We're looking forward to team up with Google to bring together their advanced technology and our extensive knowledge of biology to meet unmet medical needs. This is a step for us to go beyond the confines of traditional disease management, starting with the eye. The product would take almost 5 years to come and this new technology can also help in other areas including remote patient monitoring heart failure.According to few reports Google has recently filed up a patent in this month, On how this device is going to be made , its recent patent made tech geeks believe that the production would be little earlier than announced, Well I totally mean Google Contact lens is reportedly going to be ready before the announced time i.e 2019.
Google's US Patent filing (PDF).
What makes Google Contact Lens so special?
The Google contact lens is developed by Google X team which is a team of Norvatis and Google, the very use of Google Contact lens is, it can measure blood glucose levels in diabetics and can help people with presbyopia, a disease in which the eye loses its ability to see near objects.
How does Google Contact lens do this?
Well talking about checking diabetes via glucose in blood, people with diabetes has to constantly monitor their B.P levels by pricking their finger with needles.
It does so by analyzing the tears of people. The readings are then to your smartphone.
People who suffer with Presbyopia, this smart lens could correct the defect in eye by trying to restore the eye's autofocus capability through a contact and Intraocular lens.
Design of Google Contact lens.
This Google Smart Contact lens have tiny senors and microchips that according to Google are "so small they look like bits of glitter," and it added to everyone surprise, when google said, its embedded antenna is "thinner than a human hair."
Though Google has filed a patent which led people to believe that the project will reach before the announced date, but Google has mentioned recently that it would take five years to avail this technology publicly.
Below is a video by on How Google Smart Contact Lens works?
Final Words:
Hope this coalition of Google & Norvatis bring a new Era in technology and Hope so this Era comes soon. This Contact lens will ultimately concentrate on checking Glucose levels in Blood and correcting Presbyopia defect in humans.
Seriously, I am just waiting for more stuff like this, which can collaborate Technology and Medicines.
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